Category Archive: easy pasta recipes

Fettucine Alfredo and teaching an old dog new tricks!

Thinking of all the bastardized versions of Fettuccine Alfredo that I have seen on the Internet and horror upon horror all the bad ones I have served my poor (un-informed) family, I have… Continue reading

Lip smacking Roast Chicken Pasta Bake

The aroma of roast chicken drifting through my house fills me with nostalgia and a fuzzy feeling every time. There is something so hearty and homey about serving a roast chicken with all… Continue reading

Mediterranean -Pasta-in-Minutes!

You can literally make this Mediterranean Pasta in Minutes – the amount of minutes it takes to boil the pasta! Yes, that is how quick and easy it is! If you can slice… Continue reading

Does Pasta give you energy!

Does pasta give you energy? I guess it is the question on every body’s lips with the upcoming Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour that is on Sunday here in our lovely… Continue reading

Summer Capsicum Pasta Salad

Summer is here in full bloom people, days are hot and with the last Christmas shopping to be done, days are rather sweaty too. I can tell you, the last thing on my… Continue reading

Butternut Gnocchi with Sage and Blue Cheese

Gnocchi  in the middle of November is not at all strange for people in the Northern Hemisphere where winter has finally arrived, but we are supposed to be in the middle of summer… Continue reading

Pasta salad – perfect side dish for Braai Heritage Day 2010

I cannot believe it is Braai Heritage day again and that it is a year since I last wrote this post. Time flies when you’re having fun and this has certainly been a… Continue reading

Vegetarian Lasagna – Deconstructed I believe…..

Vegetarian Lasagna Recipes are not difficult to find when traveling through the bloggersphere and you can find pretty much every kind of vegetable featuring in this classic Italian dish. Butternut Squash, Aubergines, peppers… Continue reading

Spaghetti Carbonara on Grilled Portabello Mushrooms

Spaghetti Carbonara must be one of he most popular of all Italian pasta dishes. It can be made with other pastas like fettuccine or rigatoni, but traditionally it is always made with spaghetti.… Continue reading

Seafood pasta – Squid Ink pasta with Prawns and grilled Calamari!!

Seafood Pasta was what I needed last night to make the leap back into reality a more pleasant experience. I had such a fantastic holiday at my two favorite places that coming back… Continue reading

Orecchiette with Napoletana Sauce

Orecchiette is one of the less popular pasta shapes, but since I’ve read Jamie Oliver’s book Jamie’s Italy and saw the Italian mamas and their children sitting around a table making these interesting… Continue reading

Seafood Pasta does not have to be so complicated!

Seafood pasta really does not have to be all that elaborate and expensive. Yes, I know you can add lobster, crab, clams and whatever other expensive ingredients you can lay your hands on,… Continue reading

Easy Pasta recipes – Penne with Summer Vegetables

Easy pasta recipes are plenty, but it is not always so easy to find healthy pasta recipes. Given the choice my family will also opt for a creamy carbonara, lasagnas and or a… Continue reading

Easy pasta recipes- Pasta with Biltong, butternut and bacon!!!

More easy pasta recipes, you would ask? How is it possible that there can be more pasta recipes? As you search the internet, you will find that pasta is no longer just enjoyed… Continue reading

Pasta with Roasted Garlic and Tomato Sauce

There is nothing more comforting than a bowl of steaming pasta. When I was a few years younger, I thought Alfredo was the ultimate, but as I get older, my taste buds have… Continue reading

Garlic Spaghetti – a delicious way to combat the common cold!

Pasta is always a favorite in my kitchen and appears on the menu on a weekly basis. When I saw this recipe for Garlic Spaghetti on Jungle Frog’s website, I knew it would… Continue reading

Spaghetti with Clams

   Linguine with Clams is such a classic recipe, yet I have never made it, well not until last night that is! I had to use spaghetti as that was the only pasta… Continue reading

Pesto Pasta , per favore!!!!

Can there ever be enough pasta recipes? Definitely not, especially if they are super fast and so delicious that you can simply not get enough. So, do yourself a favor and add this… Continue reading