Grilled Organic Lamb

Barbeque, braai (pron: bri), grilling, call it what you like, it is still one of the most favorite ways to prepare meat. If you can find organic spring lamb you have the basis of a feast.

Organic lamb does not need a lot of flavoring or spices, because the flavor is in the meat itself, but I find that dried Greek oregano, rosemary, lemon, salt and pepper pairs well with the lamb.

Serve the lamb nicely seared on the outside and still pink on the inside, make a big bowl of couscous with grilled vegetables or mashed potatoes and some caramelized onions on the side and you will have your guests licking their fingers in no time.


For dessert I have a delightful and easy recipe.

Ginger Delight

Ingredients (serves 4)

250ml fresh cream
8 ginger nut biscuits
8 pitted whole dates – chopped
1/4 cup chopped hazelnuts
strong coffee – cold – you need about 2tbsp for each dessert.
Kahlua liqueur

Whip the cream and fold in the dates and nuts. Take a stacking ring (the size of the biscuit) and place it on a plate. Place a biscuit in the bottom of the stacking and wet it with some coffee and liqueur (about 1 Tbsp altogether). Now spoon some of the cream filling on top and make sure to get all the air bubbles out. Finally place another biscuit on top and wet again with the coffee and the liqueur. leave int the fridge until you are ready to serve. Remove the stacking ring and decorate the late with some caramel syrup and a sprig of lemon. The flavors are delicious, almost like tiramisu, but just more decadent with the dates and nuts..Try it, go on!!!!!